Semaphored [verb]

Definition of Semaphored:

indicate; give a sign to

Synonyms of Semaphored:

Opposite/Antonyms of Semaphored:


Sentence/Example of Semaphored:

And again, with slow-moving white arms she began to semaphore.

Each company had been teaching all the men the semaphore code.

"I jess was looking at that thing," she said bashfully, pointing to the semaphore.

"That semaphore dodge is too precious to be lost," cried Enid.

Semaphore the convoy and report that the men have been picked up.

You ought to wear a semaphore with a red lamp burning at the end of it.

A second method of signaling was by the use of the semaphore.

This invention of Chappe was called the "Semaphore Telegraph."

Rare is it that you do not see a semaphore or an ardois combination flashing.

You should have seen his face when the semaphore went behind the gate-post.