Shares [noun]

Definition of Shares:

portion, allotment

Synonyms of Shares:

Opposite/Antonyms of Shares:

Sentence/Example of Shares:

The essence of freedom is that each of us shares in the shaping of his own destiny.

"I'll let you in on some shares," Watts called after him as he turned away.

To any one who shares the faith I have been developing in this book, what I mean will be evident.

My dear Quinn, some members of the Cabinet have shares in armament works.

First you worry me to take the shares, and then you worry me not—I won't have it, Nell, I won't have it!

Understand once for all that I shall take two thousand shares in this mine.

I'm very anxious for Tom to take the shares if you say the thing's so good.

I did n't want him to take these shares; I told him so in so many words.

I was telling him I have shares in a currant-farm near Calamata.

Yes; and Charles was talking to him about stocks and shares, and he looked frightened.