Shawls [noun]

Definition of Shawls:


Synonyms of Shawls:

Opposite/Antonyms of Shawls:


Sentence/Example of Shawls:

"Robin, you might get me my shawl;" and Robin would go and get the shawl and put it round her.

When that was done she made a bundle of her cloak and shawl, and lay down in her clothes.

Mrs. Rosenfeld was standing in the lower hall, a shawl about her shoulders.

I shall wrap myself in a shawl, which will hide a portion of my face.

The girl's face flushed, and she began to fumble the shawl nervously with her fingers.

She had one end of the shawl between her fingers and was twisting it aimlessly.

I opened the shawl, that the little one might feel the heat, and said nothing.

Mary had thrown her shawl over her head, and was just stepping out.

Her shawl was dragged to one side, and her bonnet sat rakishly.

She folded her shawl more closely about her and moved toward the door.