Sicked [verb]

Definition of Sicked:

urge, incite

Synonyms of Sicked:

Opposite/Antonyms of Sicked:

Sentence/Example of Sicked:

It was him that sicked them vampires on to Will here, an' we're all in for a black time on this black ribber.

On insisting, she sicked the dog after me, and I lost no time in clearing out.

Page 33, added missing close quote after "sicked them on Nan."

He sicked his bulldog on to Toby and in about a minute Toby was taking that bulldog all apart.

You got a dog and put up a sign and when he disregarded it you sicked the dog on him.

You'll notice that, Democrats and Republicans, they've dropped everybody else, that they've all been sicked on to you.

I saw she was mighty near played out, and I just sicked myself on for all I was worth.

Everything went well until half-way to town, when Jimmy Brown sicked his dog on the goat, and then the trouble commenced.

They swarmed up the stairs an' crowded the elevators, while that doggoned Tex sicked 'em on me.

The Board of Health, "sicked on by that damned woman," said that Jacky must go to the hospital—to the contagious ward.