Slipshod [adjective]

Definition of Slipshod:

careless; not well done

Synonyms of Slipshod:

Opposite/Antonyms of Slipshod:

Sentence/Example of Slipshod:

In Paris, the slipshod condition of the army had been publicly denounced.

Sick of slipshod morality, men were sending for their wives and children.

The slipshod Russian way of handling things gets on his nerves.

It's a job that cannot be done in slipshod, haphazard manner.

Nothing must be sloven or slipshod; every door, every fence, must be kept in repair.

It is "that blessed word Mesopotamia" of the slipshod diagnostician.

They were far too slipshod in their methods of holding prisoners.

It is slipshod spinning which is at the bottom of this difficulty.

Pete Whitney's clothing was slipshod, but that alone did not give him the air he had.

In our talk we are reticent; in our writing we are incoherent and slipshod.