Slivered [adjective]

Definition of Slivered:

destroyed; made into pieces from a whole

Synonyms of Slivered:

Opposite/Antonyms of Slivered:

Sentence/Example of Slivered:

A slivered end that had risen considerably higher was freshly broken.

Horse-soup, with a few potato-sprouts, and one or two slivered carrots to the gallon, formed the menu to-day.

He slivered like an aspen leaf; for he now stood nearly naked upon the cold, damp stones.

Brightness in which surfaces of worn floor, slivered wall, dusty glass, showed values more specific than those of colour.

Then also during periods of alternate freezing and thawing in Spring and Fall, the rock is slivered up.

Bursting the slivered section fully apart, Christmas, with a joyous howl, sprang free.

Another fir was slivered into huge splinters that flew—fortunately for Pedro—just too far away to hit him.

When it's all slivered up thin and flat there'll be a leetle hard core left inside at the top, and you must cut it out careful.

Even the forest patches in this region were dead and slivered by rifle and shell.