Slushing [verb]

Definition of Slushing:


Synonyms of Slushing:








Opposite/Antonyms of Slushing:


Sentence/Example of Slushing:

All at once the click passed into a smothered sound of pounding and slushing.

I was slushing the mizzen-mast, and heard 'em a disputin' about the salt.

The sea, along the brink of which we went, was still stormy, and the waves washed with a slushing noise up into the very street.

"Wash, you see,—like this;" and he went through a pantomime of washing his hands and slushing his head and face.

There was a slushing and swishing and gasping and blowing now, which might have done credit to a school of porpoises.

Splashing and slushing the cups and saucers about in the hot water, I reflected upon the events of the last few days.

The waves broke over the ship's prow, slushing the forward deck and driving all who were out either back or to an upper deck.

MacRae stirred wakeful on the sun-hot deck, slushing it down with buckets of sea water to save his ice and fish.

All on earth that I need to do is to lie still in the hot sun and feel the pig rolling and floundering and slushing about.

On came Bauer, softly, whistling and slushing his feet carelessly through the liquid mud.