Snakelike [adjective]

Definition of Snakelike:

winding; sly

Synonyms of Snakelike:

Opposite/Antonyms of Snakelike:

Sentence/Example of Snakelike:

Snakelike he had cast his slough, and rejoiced in new and brilliant investiture.

Now and then her figure writhed with a slow, snakelike motion.

There was something venomous and snakelike in the boy's black eyes.

Down the corridor into which he crept, snakelike on his belly, red light flickered from an open door.

They will have smiled at his childish tempers, applauded his snakelike cunning, and laughed outright at his heathen superstitions.

Tendrils projected from all parts of it, pallid and twisting lengths that writhed slowly with snakelike life.

Snakelike amphibians, some fishlike, some lizard-like, and huge crocodilian forms appeared for the first time.

Holding the snakelike coil in both hands as in an iron vise, he tore the chain apart with a masterly jerk.

Then she moved away a little, and reared her pretty back with a curious, snakelike motion.

Her eyes fell upon a wriggling, snakelike thing that lay in this path of light.