Snowfalls [noun]

Definition of Snowfalls:

snow storm

Synonyms of Snowfalls:

Opposite/Antonyms of Snowfalls:


Sentence/Example of Snowfalls:

Here and there acres of white blossom, looking like a snowfall.

Snowfall is very rare as far south as the City of Mexico, but is not unknown.

The snowfall was lighter now; he could find his way more easily.

The First Snowfall is one of the most perfect poems in our language.

The next morning was cold, but the snowfall had ceased for a spell.

Never, in the memory of the people, had such a snowfall been seen in that section.

It might have been the sound of a snowfall from the roof above him.

He was only equipped for summer, and he should have returned before that first snowfall.

The snowfall in the mountains was heavier than had been known in years.

Wind is an interesting factor in the distribution of the snowfall.