Speechmakings [noun]

Definition of Speechmakings:

public speaking

Synonyms of Speechmakings:

Opposite/Antonyms of Speechmakings:


Sentence/Example of Speechmakings:

The purple had left the Atkins face, but the speechmaking habit is not likely to be broken.

He had not entertained by speechmaking, nor had he shone decoratively at receptions.

Stump, to go about speechmaking on politics or other subjects.

Here the speechmaking was concluded and the crowd was thinning a little.

The immediate result was cessation of the speechmaking and dissolution of the meeting.

It was a day of speechmaking and of historic utterances characterized by a moving earnestness of conviction.

On this day there was a large procession, with speechmaking in the afternoon and fireworks at night.

The actual slaughter was preluded by dancing, feasting, speechmaking and elaborate ceremonial.

William T. Roberts turned his attention exclusively to speechmaking and politics.

Uncle Heinrich was never strong in speechmaking, but in the beginning even Demosthenes stuttered.