Sportsmanships [noun]

Definition of Sportsmanships:


Synonyms of Sportsmanships:

Opposite/Antonyms of Sportsmanships:

Sentence/Example of Sportsmanships:

Sportsmanship, sheer sportsmanship, carried him through all!

That is, it the Israeli delegation has the courage, the sportsmanship to agree.

One likes to contemplate the sportsmanship of that function.

The nicest thing about him, Clancy decided, was his sportsmanship.

But we think the English are fools with their sportsmanship and all that.

Pluck and sportsmanship is always the criterion, not merely victory.

If I were in the old preserves, you should have no cause to jeer at my sportsmanship.'

The third element of sportsmanship is the grace of a good loser.

The fourth factor of sportsmanship is the grace of a good winner.

I have seen the whole story of modern American sportsmanship, so called.