St [noun]

Definition of St:


Synonyms of St:

Opposite/Antonyms of St:


Sentence/Example of St:

Nelson was informed that he could not be permitted to enter the port of St Pietro.

St Matthew says, "His face did shine as the sun, and his raiment was white as the light."

But he skipped into the coffin, with the image of St Michael by his side.

We see it in the dome of St Peter's, we see it in the statue of Moses.

He's up at the Monastery of St George, about eight miles off.

Lever abandoned the ship upon her arrival in the St Lawrence.

How he did look behind him, to be sure, as he went past St Roque's!

Yet, in spite of these disagreeables, he went to St Roque's all the same.

During the time of his residence in St Andrews he was very weak.

Beyond them was the Cathedral of St Peter, the doors of which appeared to be open.