Stales [noun]

Definition of Stales:

becoming older

Synonyms of Stales:

Opposite/Antonyms of Stales:


Sentence/Example of Stales:

For this we require a cardboard or veneer base and a number of stales.

Now on three sides this will have a rail, constructed with stales alone.

Custom so stales us that this publicity in no way interferes with our pleasure.

I wonder he doth not go on all four too, and hold up his leg when he stales.

One dark discovery quells his spirit, unstrings his heart, and stales to him for ever the uses of the world.

If in fitting up the stales you find the glue is not sufficient, you can strengthen the important joints by use of doll pins.

With some people this fairy look of things foreign never 'stales,' even with repetition.

I begs, borrers, an' stales, an' I reached that ship wan minnit before she sailed.