Stammerings [noun]

Definition of Stammerings:


Synonyms of Stammerings:

Opposite/Antonyms of Stammerings:


Sentence/Example of Stammerings:

"I—I—I was not conscious of having mentioned her name," said Duncan, stammering.

From women this ancient faith commands but a stammering assent.

Then Jory, embarrassed and stammering, in his turn flew into a rage.

Gervaise received the lecture with bowed head and stammering excuses.

Again Jean, in stammering, disconnected sentences, besought him to be quiet.

But Gervaise threw herself before him, stammering: "No, no!"

He stopped, stammering, in the very middle of a glowing eulogium.

She eagerly accepted my stammering invitation to come in and be seated.

Kate Roby, the pretty girl of the village, was stammering over it.

The little fellow broke into a stammering torrent of Gaelic.