Standardize [verb]

Definition of Standardize:

make regular, similar

Synonyms of Standardize:

Opposite/Antonyms of Standardize:

Sentence/Example of Standardize:

He graded the work of the school and endeavored to standardize instruction.

Therefore, standardize your files, and interest your officials.

The answer is that the manufacturers learned to standardize their product.

It is comparatively easy and simple to standardize a function.

It is extremely difficult and complex to standardize an individual.

But he is preparing to do something hardly less daring, namely, to standardize the types that may be sold.

N/10 hydrochloric acid to standardize N/10 alcoholic sodium hydroxide.

It sought not to standardize either baggage-cars or locomotives or dining-car meals.

Therefore it is difficult to standardize the serum to get a proper amount of amboceptor for the complement present.

Prior to that time the civic club of Philadelphia attempted to standardize the work and wages of domestic workers in that city.