Starets [noun]

Definition of Starets:

influential person

Synonyms of Starets:

Opposite/Antonyms of Starets:


Sentence/Example of Starets:

All possibility of doubt about anything was silenced by obedience to the starets.

He did so, and took leave of the starets and moved to the other monastery.

He wished to refuse but the starets ordered him to accept the appointment.

As secretary to the Starets, I am able to disclose the actual and most amazing truth.

The Bishop, a big, over-fed man, had a long chat with the Starets in my presence.

The Starets was one of the most far-seeing and mercenary scoundrels.

Truly, the beauties of Peterhof were a revelation to the Starets and myself.

The Empress, her head bowed in silence, knelt before the weird impressive shrine, side by side with the Starets.

One day a frantic message came to me over the telephone from Madame Vyrubova, who inquired the whereabouts of the Starets.

The Tsar bowed as the Starets, crossing himself, bestowed his blessing upon him.