Starring [adjective]

Definition of Starring:

giving prominence to

Opposite/Antonyms of Starring:


Sentence/Example of Starring:

"You'll be starring it about the Continent by that time, my dear," said Mrs. Proudie to Griselda.

The hundredth night he gave when Perfecta was starring was town talk.

He has been so long used to starring it, that he makes light of stirring it.

"Starring in the provinces" was not an early occupation of the players of good repute.

Connie Wentworth, she droned, you will make a world wide reputation as an actress, starring first as Lady Macbeth.

With starring vividness they came before him, and above all the brave words of the maiden Astumastao seemed to ring in his ears.

He used to go 'starring' it in the provinces, itinerating as a tuppenny lecturer on Tom Paine.

They gave chase by "starring" to all the points of the compass, but could not locate the enemy.

The last accounts of Bill, he was starring it away like a planet in the interior of Chili.

And to think that she, an English 278 girl, was going to earn her bread among the Dagoes, instead of starring in England!