Staunching [verb]

Definition of Staunching:

prevent, hold back

Synonyms of Staunching:

Opposite/Antonyms of Staunching:

Sentence/Example of Staunching:

Nooh, no, calmly replied Tommy, staunching the wounds on his face.

He was forced to acknowledge to himself that he could not complete the work of staunching the hold.

In order to facilitate the staunching of the blood he had taken off his uniform.

John Clayton bent over him, staunching the blood the best he could.

Her face averted, she was staunching the blood which trickled from her cheek.

In a few minutes he would be facing death, and now he was staunching a pin-prick.

The surgeon of that day was better skilled in letting blood than in staunching it, in cupping than in curing.

Dom Maxara was forward, staunching a severe wound from a Malay creese in the shoulder.

The Winchesters stood among the trees, gasping and staunching their wounds, but victorious.

Id like to chuck him overboard, quoth Zeb amiably, staunching his bleeding nose with a dirty coat sleeve.