Sterilizations [noun]

Definition of Sterilizations:


Synonyms of Sterilizations:

Opposite/Antonyms of Sterilizations:


Sentence/Example of Sterilizations:

The second sterilization may be conducted in a wash-boiler or similar receptacle.

Understand the sterilization of milk, and care of dairy utensils and appliances.

But neither certification nor sterilization should be compulsory.

This method is often followed where pasteurization or sterilization is not desired.

Meta walked by outside and he realized the sterilization process was finished.

The water must be kept boiling all during the period of sterilization.

Belching may be the first indication of the sterilization of the stomach.

This was the first use of the principle of sterilization by filtration.

There is also the possibility of sterilization by the direct action of X rays.

The industry of canning is built upon the principle of sterilization.