Stockaded [verb]

Definition of Stockaded:

confine; put in jail

Opposite/Antonyms of Stockaded:

Sentence/Example of Stockaded:

Both towns were stockaded and carefully watched by sentinels, day and night.

The centre drove the Burmese before them, and reached their stockaded position.

This village was not, like the last, stockaded; being some miles away from the forest.

It consisted of a stockaded enclosure, with cannon at the corners.

I asked, for I recalled no stockaded fortress, large or small.

There was a formidable battery in position there; and part of the place was stockaded, as if they expected an attack.

The fort stood on an Indian mound, about forty feet high, and was stockaded, and had three rows of abbatis round it.

The fort is situated on a small hill, forty feet high, stockaded, and with three rows of abbatis around it.

Of far greater interest, however, is Stowe (Anglo-Saxon for a stockaded place), at one time a magnificent building.

The Bakoka villages were all stockaded, and the entrance gates were extremely low.