Stockrooms [noun]

Definition of Stockrooms:


Synonyms of Stockrooms:

Opposite/Antonyms of Stockrooms:


Sentence/Example of Stockrooms:

"Go down to the stockroom and tell the skip-man, one more coke," said McLanahan.

Words such as “Bushel girls on pants” or “Stockroom assistants” had signified nothing to her.

Entering the Star building, Penny went directly to the stockroom, wandering about until she found Mr. Curry, the foreman.

“This looks very much like one of the parts that has been disappearing from the stockroom,” she said, her voice icy.

It proved resistant to every one of the antibiotics and antiviral agents in the Lancet's stockroom.

It was unfortunate, of course, that no orders reached the stockroom until ten o'clock.

On the landing which led from the shop to the stockroom behind, my grandfather took up his position.

Are there any other stairs that lead down from the fourth floor other than those back stairs in the rear of the stockroom?

Downstairs in the warehouse or stockroom whichever you want to call it.