Stogie [noun]

Definition of Stogie:

roll of tobacco

Synonyms of Stogie:

Opposite/Antonyms of Stogie:


Sentence/Example of Stogie:

She puffed the stogie into light and became transformed from a beauty into a hag.

"It might have been Andy Brown," he said, puffing at the stogie.

Throwing his stogie into the gutter Henry Hunt ran through the ward.

“Yes,” he said, rising and picking up the rejected portion of the stogie.

He fumbled in his pocket and produced a stogie, mate to that in the other's mouth.

The stogie had gone dead in his fingers, and he lit a fresh one steadily.

I buy them in thousand lots, he said in his womans voice, referring to his stogie and smiling at me sweetly.

Ortega himself, fat and greasy and pompous, leaned against his bar and twisted a stogie between his puffy, pendulous lips.

"It would take more 'n this to keel me over," he said, ignorant that he was lighting that terrible article, a Wheeling 'stogie'.

There he doubled up in limp agony, for the Wheeling "stogie" joined with the surge and jar of the screw to sieve out his soul.