Straitest [adjective]

Definition of Straitest:

confined, restricted

Synonyms of Straitest:

Opposite/Antonyms of Straitest:

Sentence/Example of Straitest:

The straitest ties of blood could not secure any one from his detraction.

Before the year's end it was to be to the straitest lodging of all—green turfed.

Bacon had been brought up in a Puritan household of the straitest sect.

Surely not even the straitest sect of the grown-ups could call it so.

His parents Moses and Scheindell, were strictly orthodox, and brought him up in the straitest customs of strict Judaism.

It is true that Hazlitt was only for a short time in the straitest shafts, the most galling traces, of periodical hack-work.

There never was anybody who kept the straitest rule of the code more religiously than Bob Purnett.

The summonses were directed against the Massmongers with expedition, and in the straitest form.

The congregation was soon seated—a hardy race, reared on the hills, and disciplined in the straitest of creeds.

Erasmus had been educated at Paris in the straitest sect of Scholastic theologians.