Strangulations [noun]

Definition of Strangulations:


Synonyms of Strangulations:

Opposite/Antonyms of Strangulations:

Sentence/Example of Strangulations:

His tongue was cut out, but strangulation preceded the burning alive.

The face of the dead man was distorted and blackened by the agony of strangulation.

I was told that occasionally it led to suicide by drowning or strangulation.

"The death was caused by strangulation," said Mrs. Krill, in hard tones.

Something like strangulation followed the swallowing of the fluid.

They might as well form a society for the strangulation of all babies.

"By strangulation," said the old gipsy, raising her palsied hand to her throat.

He uttered a horrible sound, suggestive of death by strangulation.

He was almost choking now from another cause than strangulation.

He gave his opinion that the deceased died of strangulation.