Streamer [noun]

Definition of Streamer:


Synonyms of Streamer:

Opposite/Antonyms of Streamer:


Sentence/Example of Streamer:

The streamer slipped from his fingers and slithered over the side.

Hugh Pallent had caught a streamer and held out his hand to Rose.

At the top, floated a streamer with the legend, "You furnish the girl, we furnish the house!"

Two tall poles with a streamer between them swung into view.

A synonym for "streamer," a name which it has gradually replaced.

Where this narrows to a point there issues a streamer of smoke.

Everywhere on flag and arch and streamer I read the motto, 'Vive le Roi!'

Every sail or streamer of smoke created excitement on board.

Not a roof, chimney, or streamer of smoke broke the desolation.

One hand keeps her balance with a pole, the other grasps a streamer of water-weed.