Striker [noun]

Definition of Striker:

person who demonstrates for cause

Synonyms of Striker:

Opposite/Antonyms of Striker:


Sentence/Example of Striker:

In a few minutes he returned bearing a small agong and striker.

My striker appears to have put everything in apple-pie order.

"Lieutenant Terry is nearly ready, sir," reported Noll's striker.

From his smaller size Edgar judged the striker to be Rooney.

When a striker is run out, the notch they were running for is not to be reckoned.

It was as if the dirt were very soft, and not the striker very strong.

The position of the other seven is understood by what Striker said.

His actions also, as they have ever been, since the day when he signified to Striker his intention to join them.

But Striker does not wait to hear what Hernandez may have to say.

From the part which the latter takes in the labor, he is called the blower and striker.