Stumpiest [adjective]

Definition of Stumpiest:

short and thick

Synonyms of Stumpiest:

Opposite/Antonyms of Stumpiest:


Sentence/Example of Stumpiest:

"Probably the presence of Stumpy made her bashful," suggested Ned.

As for Stumpy, he was just the sort of a lad his name indicated.

She was stumpy, high bowed, low waisted, with a short black funnel.

Why had his own fingers been made so stumpy and square-tipped?

The same may be said of the different Cryptocephali, who all have stumpy limbs.

Stumpy succumbed to a. fit of depression from which nothing could rouse him.

Flapping his stumpy wings he cried incessantly, "I'll fly, by God, I'll fly!"

Stumpy was Leopold's dearest friend and most intimate companion.

Leopold and Stumpy had nothing to do but pull them in and "slat" them off as fast as they could.

It was exciting work, and the blood of Leopold and Stumpy had been up to fever heat.