Stupefactions [noun]

Definition of Stupefactions:


Synonyms of Stupefactions:

Opposite/Antonyms of Stupefactions:

Sentence/Example of Stupefactions:

"He's gone off with my gold," exclaimed Paul Nichols, recovering from his stupefaction.

Stupefaction was depicted on the major's face, and he became livid.

I looked at him in stupefaction, not quite sure if he was in his right mind.

Then, observing his stupefaction and the return of doubt to his mind, she hurried on.

"It's impossible," said Vandeuvres, stupefaction and merriment in his tones.

Horrible was the stupefaction when those bodies were found there.

And the stupefaction was the greater by reason of his extraordinary resemblance to Mathieu.

So great and so general was the stupefaction that nobody followed him.

When John Storm returned to the door his mind was in a state of stupefaction.

Out of the calm of a moment's stupefaction Greta was awakened by a knock at her door.