Submergences [noun]

Definition of Submergences:

flood, inundation

Opposite/Antonyms of Submergences:

Sentence/Example of Submergences:

Our submergence in a sea of conventionality of almost impenetrable density.

Even if you do your comedy next your submergence will be precisely the same.

The rate of submergence has been estimated at about two feet per century.

The depression was such that the submergence came very quickly.

They reached the surface after about two hours of submergence.

Clearly the island of Jersey underwent in those days some sort of submergence.

The depth of the submergence in this case was only a few feet, but great depths may be reached with relative safety.

Neither tree nor bush grew upon it; their absence indicating that it was subject to annual submergence in the season of rain.

As before, the insulation was greatly improved by submergence in the ocean.

These beds are charged with the relics of a boreal and arctic fauna, and indicate a submergence of rather more than 100 feet.