Subordinating [verb]

Definition of Subordinating:

astonish, devastate

Synonyms of Subordinating:

Opposite/Antonyms of Subordinating:

Sentence/Example of Subordinating:

Not that I believe in subordinating the worker of either sex to the machine.

It cannot be conceived as subordinating these to a desire to make creatures happy.

Conjunctions are of two kinds, Co-ordinating and Subordinating.

Yet in so doing he had no intention of subordinating the cell wall.

Subordinating conjunctions introduce a clause that is dependent on another.

It is vain to attempt to root it out; what it needs is moderating, regulating, subordinating.

Shakspere's power lay in subordinating Fancy and Passion to Intellect.

This was only one more example of the then general practice of subordinating the public service to private interests.

I will wound my hand to save my head, subordinating the less to the greater.

The trustees of civilization became national egoists, subordinating all others to their own ascendancy.