Subserviences [noun]

Definition of Subserviences:

good behavior; submissiveness

Synonyms of Subserviences:

Opposite/Antonyms of Subserviences:

Sentence/Example of Subserviences:

Mr. Berridge stood a figure of subservience in the background.

And if they would not assume positions of subservience, they must be destroyed.

Not a few of the Romans were chafing at their leader's subservience to a "Barbarian" queen.

Pius IV had carried to an extreme his subservience to Philip.

They have not a touch of subservience in their manner or their talk.

In that moment, she was not aware that she stood between duty and subservience.

All that her weakness and subservience had caused, continued, and at last the event of the night.

She was in the first subservience to that power which feeds the streams of human history.

But the cheapest which we purchase with subservience is too dear.

Apart from all such questions, the fact of subservience exists.