Succedanea [noun]

Definition of Succedanea:

someone or something that takes the place of another

Opposite/Antonyms of Succedanea:

Sentence/Example of Succedanea:

Succedaneum for Chrysarobin; very active reducer or "reactive."

What succedaneum does the world afford to make good the loss?

Give us rather any succedaneum that will move us, will delight us.

Passiflora is in its place as a succedaneum for Morphia or other sedatives.

Call it at least, of Paper; which in many ways is the succedaneum of Gold.

Dr. Lardner has commenced a "Library," as a kind of succedaneum to his valuable "Cyclopaedia."

Erasmus found a succedaneum, however, in the love of titles and of what are called fine people.

Others derive bedil from the meaning of the Arabic word badal, that is, substitutum, succedaneum.

How very poor a succedaneum for fresco painting is Gobelius tapestry!