Succoring [adjective]

Definition of Succoring:


Opposite/Antonyms of Succoring:

Sentence/Example of Succoring:

I will have an opportunity of learning the world, of succoring the needy, of aiding the sick.

And there its original mission was definite—the succoring of the wounded.

That same day Spur was arrested, charged with the crime of succoring a heretic.

The advance ships of the succoring fleet bound for the port!

I shall return to honest, plain America, and there devote the remainder of my life to succoring the poor and afflicted.

The council of swallows, while a certain number of them were succoring their companion, had continued to deliberate gravely.

I felt that, in succoring me, they had imposed upon themselves the weight of many a future want.

Rattazzi did not know which course to adopt, although the King was quite willing to risk everything in succoring Tuscany.

But besides protecting these women, he had a still more sacred duty to perform—that of succoring his accomplice, if possible.

More serious, if the harbor is left to the Greeks, how can he prevent the Genoese in Galata from succoring them?