Sucroses [noun]

Definition of Sucroses:

organic compound composed of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen

Synonyms of Sucroses:

Opposite/Antonyms of Sucroses:


Sentence/Example of Sucroses:

That is, sucrose is converted into levulose and dextrose sugars.

Ordinary molasses contains from 30 to 35 per cent of sucrose and almost as much glucose.

The theoretical yield then of alcohol from sucrose would be 53 per cent and from invert sugar 51 per cent.

This is found to be true also of sucrose, reducing sugars, and many organic compounds.

It dissolves in its own weight of water, being three times less soluble than sucrose.

The plane of rotation is rotated to the right by sucrose rather more powerfully than by dextrose.

Sucrose also augments in the aleurone layer, but starch is never formed in the aleurone cells.

Sucrose or cane sugar is most commonly manufactured from sugar cane and sugar beets.

It is unique in being a single definite chemical compound, sucrose, C12H22O11.

Cane sugar and beet sugar are when completely purified the same substance, that is, sucrose, C12H22O11.