Sunups [noun]

Definition of Sunups:


Synonyms of Sunups:

Opposite/Antonyms of Sunups:

Sentence/Example of Sunups:

His last meal had been breakfast before sunup of the day before.

“Been watching your craft since sunup,” declared Uncle Enos.

And to-morrow morning at sunup we begin preparations in earnest.

From sunup to sundown the Tony Trumbullses raced and laughed.

"I took pains to watch the hunters load their craft at sunup," said Hawk Eye.

I can ride over to Hall's and get back to my place by sunup with his team.

With my husband at work from sunup until dark, it's often lonely here.

When the corn all done been shucked they'd drink the likker the marsters give 'em and then frolic and dance from sundown to sunup.

So it was not until sunup the next day, that they were released.

Befo' sunup I had to git to de Big House ter dress dem chulluns.