Supplenesses [noun]

Definition of Supplenesses:


Opposite/Antonyms of Supplenesses:


Sentence/Example of Supplenesses:

The suppleness of the Angora's tail is also a mark of fine breeding.

He ran off as if his limbs had regained their youthful strength and suppleness.

He lacked alike the sagacity, the foresight, and the suppleness of Leopold.

During this operation the skin had dried, and consequently lost its suppleness.

She had caught a glimpse of Wilfrid's suppleness and selfishness.

In adroit resource and suppleness no diplomatist could match him.

I have admired your suppleness and your aptitude to enter into the soul of all the talents.

It must have possessed some suppleness, which was probably an advantage in a stormy sea.

This suppleness of the wrist, just enough and not too much, is what is called "hands."

On either side there was an equality of strength, agility, and suppleness.