Surcingles [noun]

Definition of Surcingles:

a band

Synonyms of Surcingles:



Opposite/Antonyms of Surcingles:


Sentence/Example of Surcingles:

To this I was securely bound by a long strap resembling a surcingle.

It now occurred to me that the bandage, or surcingle, which enveloped me, was unique.

At last he began to back, and Ned and I let go of the surcingle.

You intend cutting your surcingle and running away, little coward?

The surcingle should lie neatly over the girths, and have an equal bearing with them.

When he takes no heed of it, fold it up on his back and girth it on with the surcingle.

Can't you get a bit of string and tie up the surcingle Tommy?

Each had a rug thrown over her horse, made fast with a surcingle, on which she sat, and appeared quite comfortable.

And the time, during which Monty arrived and dismounted, I killed by unloosening girth and surcingle.

The colonel had an old cavalry sword attached to a surcingle thrown over his shoulders.