Sustentations [noun]

Definition of Sustentations:

lifestyle; source of income

Synonyms of Sustentations:

Opposite/Antonyms of Sustentations:

Sentence/Example of Sustentations:

Power of sustentation; the quality of sustaining a weight in the air.

She wishes you to give her a legal promise of marriage, and sustentation.

This defection from within not made up by sustentation from without.

Now, Nature is sufficient of itself, not only for sustentation, but also for creation.

The one concerns the laws of sustentation of the system, the other the laws of evolution.

In Flanders there are permanent funds, &c. for the sustentation of the poor.

But the writer has perhaps learned to regard two glasses of meridian wine as but a moderate amount of sustentation.

Straight planes were tried for a time, but found greatly lacking in the power of sustentation.

This is done to meet the varying gusts and eddies of the air so that sustentation may be maintained and headway made.

Deriving its power of sustentation from the gas contained in the gas-bag, the free balloon is spherical in form.