Swam [verb]

Definition of Swam:

make way through water using arms, legs

Synonyms of Swam:

Opposite/Antonyms of Swam:


Sentence/Example of Swam:

Some of them tried it, but the Indians swam after them, stabbing and pulling them under.

No, Grandad, for when we thought we had it sure, it jumped into the water and swam away.

No sooner was it apparent that she was free than the Dyaks sprang into the water and swam to her side.

Then he drew himself upon his plank and swam, doubling his speed.

A sickening vision of that first night in Paris swam before her.

He sprang into the water and swam after it, deaf to the sharp cries of Grey Beaver to return.

Rivers and streams that entered the main river he forded or swam.

And since the cat could not swim, the dog took her on his back and swam across with her.

He swam part of the time and ran and barked on the towpath the other part.

Swam until he was tired, and finally made a morsel for a fish.