Swarthiest [adjective]

Definition of Swarthiest:


Synonyms of Swarthiest:

Opposite/Antonyms of Swarthiest:





Sentence/Example of Swarthiest:

Herkimer's tanned and swarthy face changed color at this taunt.

The swarthy gentleman continued his study of the patient's pulse.

The corpulent and swarthy Hicks stood dejectedly before her.

He was very fat, with a shaven, swarthy face and the dewlap of an ox.

He was smiling into her eyes, his swarthy face close to her own.

Swarthy, unclad children were as numerous and active as young chickens.

“Fight or hit the road,” John Slaughter bade his swarthy aide.

He was a swarthy creature and round his neck was knotted a handkerchief, vivid red.

The riders were handsome, swarthy fellows with haughty faces.

He was a big, swarthy Netherlander, with black moustaches and a bold glance.