Textile [noun]

Definition of Textile:


Synonyms of Textile:





Opposite/Antonyms of Textile:


Sentence/Example of Textile:

Lowell as a textile center has long been surpassed by other cities.

And the textile industry is well represented, as is brewing and distilling.

On the afternoon of the following day we visited the textile museum.

Thus is shown how important for Mexico is her textile industry.

This, however, was not felt as a want, at least not to the extent of inspiring a textile.

In addition to the textile goods, cottonseed-oil is an important product.

Prague controls the coal, textile, and glass trade of Bohemia.

The imports are chiefly coal, machinery, textile goods, and sugar.

More than one million operatives are engaged in textile manufactures.

Osaka and Kioto are the chief centres of cotton and textile manufactures.