Thanked [adjective]

Definition of Thanked:

shown appreciation

Synonyms of Thanked:

Opposite/Antonyms of Thanked:


Sentence/Example of Thanked:

He thanked them for the very kind way in which they had spoken of his companions.

I thanked her; and she withdrew to read them; saying, she would return them, when she had.

I thanked her, when she came up, for her past service to me.

She laughed her little laugh of pleasure, and thanked him prettily for the compliment.

Andrew thanked him and went into the cabin to arrange for lights.

She thanked God for the country, but soon was praying to him for the town.

He thanked me and said 'quite so,' as Englishmen usually do say when they disagree with one.

I ventured to inform him on this point and he thanked me with some emotion.

I put a card with my address into his hands, thanked him, and got home as well as I could.

Have been thanked again by the Sweet Pea Lady, who sat at our table.