There [adjective]

Definition of There:

nearby, here

Synonyms of There:

Opposite/Antonyms of There:

Sentence/Example of There:

The door banged shut behind him and I heard him at the foot of the stairs roaring "Ho-ho-there-ho!"

We are introduced successively to the Palestinian, the Assimilator, and the Neither-here-nor-there.

Emendations on the here-a-little-there-a-little plan, while they do no harm, do little good.

Swinburne dismisses him in two lines: Maximilian is a good-natured, neither here-nor-there kind of youth.

There-about many small coffee growers are settled, and several hundred thousand bags of the beans pass through annually.

The author's share is lively and jaunty, and of the most here-and-there description.

France lost for a time her brilliant son, but gained there-for a beautiful book—Le Voyage en Orient.

The bored expression in the eyes—the rabbit, not-all-there expression—gave place sometimes to another look.

At that word there-was silence for a moment, while Ben Aboo shifted in his seat, and Katrina quivered beside him.

The latter there-upon sat down just inside the circle of lamplight and smoked in silence.