Thoroughness [noun]

Definition of Thoroughness:

attention to detail

Synonyms of Thoroughness:

Opposite/Antonyms of Thoroughness:

Sentence/Example of Thoroughness:

The thing is done with thoroughness, but at a minimum of cost.

Thoroughness and accuracy are two principal points to be aimed at in study.

There's no doubt about the thoroughness and consistency of Scott's characters.

He had been set to reduce Maubeuge and he had done so with speed and with thoroughness.

They in turn urge their students to strive for thoroughness in study.

Even an unattainable ideal can be defined,—why not thoroughness?

It may be helpful to formulate the common or lay interpretation of thoroughness.

Thoroughness results from increase in the number of applications of knowledge.

It is possible to over-emphasize the idea of thoroughness in the introductory courses.

His torn clothes bore evidence to the thoroughness of that search.