Thousands [noun]

Definition of Thousands:

pertaining to 1000

Synonyms of Thousands:

Opposite/Antonyms of Thousands:


Sentence/Example of Thousands:

This system, once invented, was developed during thousands of years.

There are thousands of them in use on rifles, but they've never been able to use them on revolvers before.

I had handled thousands and thousands before, and never felt that way.

The Malakand garrison was being overwhelmed by thousands of tribesmen.

Thousands of animals drank from it daily; and after drinking had stood or wallowed in it.

Of all the thousands that began the fight, there were only five left standing.

Hundreds, if not thousands, were in the hospital, and a large proportion died.

I lost by hundreds and thousands; and so will he, before he is aware of it, no doubt.

She said he had thousands of them, but I suppose he had not so many.

But I can't go on with the quotation unless I turn it into 'You're slave to thousands.'