Thrifts [noun]

Definition of Thrifts:


Synonyms of Thrifts:

Opposite/Antonyms of Thrifts:

Sentence/Example of Thrifts:

If he felt a respect for her thrift it was completely unacknowledged.

Does not this thrift prove that anxiety for the morrow is not after all quite unknown here?'

Its main market was at Bruges in Flanders, which was then a bee-hive of industry and thrift.

For thrift, grit and perseverance, are a few of the rough grains in his character.

This is closely related to character and morality, to thrift and success.

I had often heard of the thrift and parsimony of Herr Oppovich's household.

If you had but a spare sixpence in the world and went and gave it to de Barral it was Thrift!

But, truth to say, I have never understood the kind of thrift they recommend.

But, truth to say, I have never understood the kind of thrift they recommended.

They grew impatient of the old process of thrift and industry.