Timepieces [noun]

Definition of Timepieces:

device that tells time

Synonyms of Timepieces:

Opposite/Antonyms of Timepieces:


Sentence/Example of Timepieces:

As a timepiece, this dial will be found roughly correct for that latitude.

It is optional with the judges whether the use of a timepiece is to be allowed.

I had no timepiece, so when I saw a glow in the east, I got up, ate my breakfast and started.

He felt an inclination to smash her head with the timepiece.

Frederick noticed a timepiece, a parrot-stick, and some engravings.

They had no other timepiece, so they went by the candle, which always burned just so long.

Her mother only answered by pointing to the little French timepiece on the mantel.

The timepiece was an industrieuse horloge, which told the hours, days, and months.

The problem was who could they find to construct this sort of timepiece?

The hands of the timepiece moved slowly on, and hope was departing.