Tineas [noun]

Definition of Tineas:

ringworm of the feet

Synonyms of Tineas:

Opposite/Antonyms of Tineas:


Sentence/Example of Tineas:

It is not infectious, nor liable to swell the lymphatics in its vicinity like the tinea.

Ringworm is a kind of tinea, and it is caused by various mould fungi.

In the human body this also develops into a tapeworm called the Tinea mediocanellata.

Ovid, in his exile at Tomi, likens the "external remorse of its cares" which his heart feels to the gnawing of the tinea.

The skin disease Pityriasis (tinea) versicolor was shown to be due to the Microsporon furfur by Eichstedt in 1846.

The late Dr. Masters attributed the mischief to the work of the larva of a small moth (Tinea curtisella).

Leeuwenhoek's wolf (Tinea granella) might visit us, in a similar conveyance, from Holland or France.

The approach of Lithosia to the genus Yponomeuta, in Tinea, scarcely need be pointed out.

Tinea Favosa, or favus, is a contagious and a very stubborn disease of the skin, caused by the fungus Achorion Schoenleinii.

In tinea sycosis, or ringworm sycosis, the history of the case is different.