Tinkliest [adjective]

Definition of Tinkliest:


Synonyms of Tinkliest:

Opposite/Antonyms of Tinkliest:


Sentence/Example of Tinkliest:

Jerry looked at her curiously; there was something familiar in that tinkly laugh.

Her laugh was sweet and tinkly, like the upper notes of a spinet.

It was a tinkly, reedy instrument, for none of that household had any turn for music.

It was interesting in its way as a souvenir, but sounded weak and tinkly.

She trembled: the glass fell to the floor with a tinkly crash.

It must have sounded as tinkly as one of those tiny childrens pianos which you can buy at every toy-shop.

Gold hoops in her ears, tinkly things on her jacket, and a rainbow dress with the reds and greens leading the field.

Often they were supplemented with candelabra of bronze or brass, tricked out with tinkly pendant prisms.

It must have sounded as tinkly as one of those tiny children's pianos which you can buy at every toy-shop.

The old spinets and harpsichords, with their charming inlaid cases, were beautiful, but they gave forth only tinkly sounds.