Toothier [adjective]

Definition of Toothier:

delicious, agreeable

Opposite/Antonyms of Toothier:

Sentence/Example of Toothier:

This toothy carlin is a favourite figure in Celtic tradition.

"Oh, I can't do that either, Mr. Malone," the toothy girl said.

His voice seemed to come from just behind his teeth, a toothy voice.

Rawhide Jones, Toothy, and Brayley came out of the bunk-house together.

A quick turn about the horn of his saddle, and Toothy set up his own horse.

By flashin' that toothy grin, of his and talkin' every word of it.

He sat nearest the door, a checkerboard balanced on his knees, his black stub pipe in its toothy vise.

There is no connection, save in the personage of the toothy carlin, between the ballad and the folk-tale.

The photographers had touched her up into a toothy popular beauty, blank, expressionless, fatuous.

A toothy and toothsome young woman leaned over a coffin she'd been unwrapping.